
Bonded dogs separated when one gets adopted eventually find each other again

When two dogs are brought into a shelter together, no one knew that they were bonded to one another. When the female dog would escape her kennel, she would get out and she would go sit by her bonded boyfriend and they would regularly find her sitting there. Unfortunately, these two were separated very quickly. He was taken by a family that loves and adores him, but she – Abby is her name – was not ready for adoption at that point. She had to go through training so that she was ready to be adopted. She graduated, and she found this amazing family that loves her.

Not that long ago, Abby&rsquo-s family has decided to get a second dog and they wanted to find one that would work well for their darling dog, Abby. That&rsquo-s when the shelter volunteers realized that Abby&rsquo-s bonded boyfriend was returned to the shelter by the family that adopted him. What might be a terrible circumstance on a normal basis, the shelter is actually really excited to see these two reunited. What happens next is such a special moment and you have to see this video to believe just what a special moment it is for this pair of dogs who are bonded and then brought back together in a way that is so remarkable.

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