
Big victory in michigan as detroit gets its first no-kill shelter

The city of Detroit is going to change the lives of its dogs thanks to the Detroit Dog Rescue. Thanks to this amazing organization the city&rsquo-s first no-kill shelter has just been opened. This couldn&rsquo-t come at a better time since high kill rate shelters can be devastating. A high number of dogs will now be given a second chance to find a home. The shelter began back in 2011 and since that time has placed over 650 dogs in homes. Just recently they received their state permit to operate as a no-kill shelter.

Most of the dogs in the shelter are Pit Bills and at any given time there are around 40 to 60 dogs being housed. Detroit Dog Rescue is founded by Detroit rapper Daniel &ldquo-Hush&rdquo- Carlisle and is funded by private donations. Now, by working closely with the city of Detroit, the shelter can raise awareness for the dogs they are trying to find homes for. In the long run, this could mean inspiration to other shelters in taking a no-kill view.

Executive director Kristina Rinaldi, said that the shelter aims to take care of dogs that are high risk for being unadoptable. Many dogs are rescued from gun shootings, dog baiting, and violence. These pups have been victims and now they&rsquo-re supported in concentrated, thoughtful advocacy.

The shellter will not be open to the public but will have dog adoptions every other weekend. If you&rsquo-re looking for a new furry family member, consider fostering and adoption. If you would like to get more involved, please contact the shelter for volunteer and outreach opportunities!

Pictures via Detroit News

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