
Pet store surprised shoppers by replacing animals for sale with pets up for adoption

We have all been to a pet shop before and have seen those cute little and sometimes big purebred puppies for sale. They stand in those little cages with the windows and are displayed for customers, who often pay high amounts. But one pet shop in the country of Brazil decided to change things up a bit. The shop, which goes by the name American Pet, teamed up with Four Paws, a local rescue group and created a campaign they call Priceless Pets.

What this group did will totally shock you and as you will see in the video, it really surprised the customers as well. Four Paws set up cameras all around the pet shop and then replaced the purebred dogs and kittens, with rescue animals from their shelter. When shoppers came into the store, they walked around and looked at the dogs and cats. They browsed around and many of them wanted to purchase the animals that they were looking at. But when they asked if they could buy the puppy or kitten, the shop owner told them that they are free.

This really shocked the people who wanted to purchase these animals. One woman even said that she was about to ask for a discount. But to her surprise she was able to take the animal home for free! This experiment proves that people are willing to pay lots of money for kittens and puppies, if they find them in a posh pet shop. But they are less willing to go to a shelter and get them for free. The group along with the Pet Shop chain has decided to expand this program and are going to bring it to shops all over the country. This will help bring awareness to shelter pets and get some of them adopted out at the same time. Every year thousands of dogs and cats die in shelters in Brazil, while waiting to be adopted. The shelters are over populated and some simply can&rsquo-t keep up with the flow of unwanted pets. Hopefully this program will help reduce this serious problem.

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