Minnesota couple denied insurance quote after adopting rescue pit bull
Insurance companies deal with risk, and it&rsquo-s not even a surprise to anyone. They never know what will happen when they choose to insure a home, but it turns out that sometimes insurance companies will not do business with people for certain reasons. We all know that older homes are more expensive to insure, mobile homes of a certain age are impossible to insure and homes on the water are exceptionally difficult and expensive to insure. But what about homes with animals?
Are you aware that many insurance companies are not willing to insure homes if the homeowners have dogs that are considered &ldquo-blacklisted?&rdquo- That&rsquo-s a lesson that Sam and Michael find out the difficult way when they decided to look for a new homeowner&rsquo-s insurance policy after adopting a shelter dog named Mika that they believe is a pit bull. The insurance company in question immediately denied even giving the couple a quote, telling them straight up that they do not do business with homeowners that have pit bulls in the house.
Thinking that this was absurd, the couple quickly learned that this is actually not an uncommon practice, and that many companies have the same policies. It turns out that they are not willing to insure dogs that are blacklisted because of the &lsquo-risk&rsquo- that they come with. If that dog should bite someone on the property and that person makes the decision to sue or file a claim against a homeowners insurance policy, the company is liable. Since they can&rsquo-t predict things like floods and hurricanes and other natural disasters that cost them big, it looks like they want to do what they can to save money when they can – and some companies assume that dogs on these lists are just not worth the risk. It&rsquo-s sad, but it&rsquo-s the truth.
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