
Boy walks 300 miles to rescue his dog from war torn syria

When Aslan was forced to do the unthinkable, flee the only home he ever knew, he knew that he would never be able to leave his little dog behind. The many people in Syria that have had to flee their country due to the horrible war they are in the midst of right now have had to do just that- they&rsquo-ve had to leave their homes, their belongings and many times their animals.

Aslan, however, was not leaving his dog. This 17-year-old boy said he would not leave his little dog behind. He would take this dog with him wherever he went, and that was that. In his own way, he was right about the fact that he should not leave his dog behind. What he did is astounding. He packed only food and water for himself and his dog and he began walking. The journey exceeded 300 miles, and it included some serious issues along the way. One such issue is the fact that he was unable to board a boat to take him to a Greek island because no one wanted his dog on board. He made the dog a passport and begged, and his persistence paid off.

He&rsquo-s now living a new life in a new location without anyone he knows but his dog, and that&rsquo-s enough to make him happy.


I love my dog!&ldquo-Some people will ask – you have only a small bag?&rdquo-&rdquo-Yes.&rdquo-&rdquo-And you bring your dog?&rdquo-&rdquo-Yes.&rdquo-&rdquo-Why?&rdquo-&rdquo-I love my dog!&rdquo-Many animal lovers will relate to this 17-year-old boy from Damascus, Syria. And we&rsquo-ve seen many like him carrying their animals with them on the long journey from Syria, across the Mediterranean Sea and through Europe. When forced to flee home because of war, many people would never dream of leaving their pets behind.

Posted by UNHCR on Saturday, September 19, 2015

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