
Dog saves owners life after she falls off a cliff in new zealand

Dina Wuest cannot imagine life without her dog, and that is a fact even more true today than it was a week ago. Dogs are known for being the most protective, the most loving and the most loyal animals on the planet, and that is true of most any dog. As long as you are good to your dog, your dog will do anything for you. Dina is clearly a wonderful dog owner as her dog, Bonnie, loves her to no end. There are no stipulations on their love for one another, and it is quite fantastic to know that this relationship is the way that it is. When the dog and her owner were hiking and camping in New Zealand recently, Dina fell off a cliff. She fell far, and she broke her leg.

Thankfully, Bonnie knew precisely what to do. The dog was equipped with a backpack that had all of Dina&rsquo-s personal belongings in it, including her cell phone. The dog began to make her descent down the cliff to Dina&rsquo-s side so that she could call for help. It took rescuers an hour or so to find Dina once she made the call, but she is now safely recovering from the comfort of her own home, and she has her dog to thank for that. Thankfully, she taught her dog well and she was able to save her life because of that kind of relationship and that kind of education. It&rsquo-s a happy ending for her.

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