
Heartbroken dog remains by owner’s grave after his death

Of all the most loyal animals in the world, dogs rank right up there. Most would argue they are the most loyal animal in existence. Which is why this story is so touching. While we&rsquo-ve heard of instances where dogs remain at their owners graves, that doesn&rsquo-t mean each time it happens we don&rsquo-t feel the same way: heartbroken but at the same time amazed at how amazing dogs are. Zozo, the dog in the picture above, goes to his owner&rsquo-s grave to pray with the owner&rsquo-s son Zafer. Zozo joins him, howling along with his prayers

Zafer Ozturk, the son of Zozo&rsquo-s owner, said in 2014 that Zozo was very saddened by the death. There have even been reports of times where people who live in the house where Zozo resides have in some cases been unable to find Zozo. Surely enough, Zozo will be lying at the grave of his former owner, praying that he&rsquo-d come back. There is however, an explanation for Zozo&rsquo-s behavior.

Animals can become depressed if their owner dies unexpectedly because they do not understand what is going on and no one can actually explain it to them. Sometimes, when a dog finds out where their owner now rests after death, they refuse to leave their grave, as it a place of comfort for them. It&rsquo-s a way of coping. We just hope that Zozo gets over the loss.

More photos and video of Zozo below:

Photos via Facebook

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