Doggie matchmaker can find you the perfect pet
Sarah Brasky might just have the coolest job in the world. She&rsquo-s a dog matchmaker. While it might sound as if she&rsquo-s setting up Fido on his next date or even making it possible to find another dog with which to breed so you can have puppies to sell, that&rsquo-s not even remotely close to what she is doing. She is actually saving dogs lives and helping families find the perfect canine companion to call their own. She knew as a child that working with shelter dogs was her calling. She hates that they are killed for no reason at all, and she doesn&rsquo-t feel as if lack of space is a reason to kill an animal. She wants to ensure that people are given the chance to get the right dog for their life so that they are less likely to give that dog up in the future, resulting in the deaths of other animals by way of no space.
What she does is help clients find a dog that works with their lifestyle rather than makes it more difficult. She has them answer personal questions to help her get to know them and their lifestyle, and then she spends some time scouring local shelters. She&rsquo-s created relationships with the people at these shelters, and she is now able to see the dogs up close and in person that match the sort of lifestyle her clients are looking for. So far, she&rsquo-s matched more than fifty dogs to new homes, and they are happily living with their canine companions as many as four years later.
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