What to expect when looking for giant schnauzer breeders
When you hear the term giant schnauzer, you might assume that it&rsquo-s a very large type of the common little breed, but it is not. It is a larger type of schnauzer than the standard breed, but it&rsquo-s not that much larger. In fact, there is not that much difference at all. This breed makes for a great pet for many reasons- most of all the fact that it has a lovely temperament that ensures it gets along nicely with the people in your home. This is a dog that will show its family a great deal of love and affection, it will train easily and it will work very hard if you give it a job. It&rsquo-s a great breed, and the giant schnauzer is one you should consider for your own family. If you&rsquo-re thinking about this breed, you might want to know just a few helpful hints that will ensure you get the one you really want and that you get a good value for your money. Knowing what to expect, what to look for and how to go about finding a giant schnauzer before you get started makes it very easy for you to find the dog that you want without so much stress involved in the deal. It also makes it possible for you to get the dog you want and expect rather than one a less than reputable breeder is simply attempting to pass off as a high-quality giant schnauzer. It&rsquo-s important you familiarize yourself with this information and what to expect prior to purchasing a new dog.
How to Find a Breeder
One of the best ways to find a breeder that produces giant schnauzers is to contact that American Kennel Club for recommendations. The club has a long list of breeders across the world that specialize in this particular brand of dog that is more usually reputable than breeders not accredited with the club. You will find information about breeders here as well as their contact information and all that you need to know about purchasing this breed from the breeders listed. You will, however, not want to buy a dog from any breeder without first meeting the dogs and visiting the location. You will want to ensure that the dogs here are being raised fairly and appropriately.
Expect to Be Scrutinized
You&rsquo-re the buyer, and that does not always make you right. When it comes to dealing with a reputable breeder of giant schnauzers, you can expect to be put on the hot seat. Those who breed for the right reasons will not allow you to just come in and take one of their litters without first ensuring that you are a good person, that you have the right ideas in mind, and that you are out for the right thing. What does that mean? That means you that you will expect the breeders to make you answer a lot of questions. They may what to know where you live, how many people live in your house, whether or not you have kids, what you do for a living, your office ours, your social life hours and how much you travel. They might want to know whether or not you have other animals in the house, if you have a large house or a small one and if you have a yard or you live in an apartment.
A good breeder is going to ask you whether or not you have any past experience with this breed. He or she is going to ask if you know anything about the breed. They will ask about the vet you will use for the dog, the way you plan to train the dog, whether or not you have already purchased supplies and toys for the dog, how you will board the dog when you are on vacation and whether or not you have discussed the concept of a dog with the entire family.
What to Look For
If you come across a breeder not interested in the answers to these questions, or someone who doesn&rsquo-t even bother asking them, consider it a red flag. Good breeders consider their dogs an extension of their family. They are in the business of breeding and selling dogs, yes, but that does not mean that they are not caring people. These puppies are, after all, their own dogs, and they want to know that the puppies they&rsquo-ve bred are going to live in a home with people who will care for them and make sure they are happy for the rest of their lives.
Additionally, there are other things to look for when you visit a breeder. You should see if the house is clean and if it smells. If it seems like it&rsquo-s dirtier than it should be, smells exceptionally bad and seems like it&rsquo-s not cared for, you might not want to buy a dog here. If the dogs here seem skittish and afraid of people, you probably do not want to buy a dog from this location. These are both indicators that dogs are not being properly cared for, which could mean many more problems in the future if you do choose to buy a dog here.
You should also ask to see registration and veterinary paperwork on the parents and the puppies. If a breeder is unwilling to share this information with you, chances are good that you are working with someone who is not being entirely honest with you, or perhaps not breeding dogs properly.
These are all red flags. But there is one more- trust your gut. Even if everything looks good and happy when you visit a breeder but your gut is telling you that you should walk away, you should walk away. It&rsquo-s very uncommon for your gut instinct to be incorrect, and you should take that for what it&rsquo-s worth and get moving. Don&rsquo-t let your future puppy be one you acquire from someone or someplace that makes you feel uncomfortable.
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