
Dog owner shows off amazing idea for her dog on the fourth of july

The Fourth of July is a high stress holiday for dogs. The sound of fireworks is terrifying to them, and many people report that their dogs are missing or have run away on the night of the fourth and those nights that lead up to it when people are constantly setting off fireworks. I can say with certainty that I get it. I cannot stand the sound of fireworks when I am at home and in bed ready to call it a night. There is a time and a place for those, and it&rsquo-s not the night before or after the fourth, and it really should not be any time after 10 pm on the actual night itself. I mean, honestly people. If it&rsquo-s that disruptive to actual people who know what those horrible sounds are when they are home in bed, imagine how a dog must feel.

One woman knew that her dog would not be happy about the fireworks recently, so she did something pretty smart. She gave her dog a laptop and some headphones and set him up watching videos online so that we could see how well he behaved. With videos to watch, she didn&rsquo-t have to worry that her canine companion might accidentally run way or become scared. She even snapped a quick photo so we could all see just how sweet it is and how well it worked. It&rsquo-s something other dog owners might keep in mind for next year – or New Year&rsquo-s Eve as it might be.

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