
How to keep your dog safe on the 4th of july

Fourth of July is a great Holiday, and a wonderful time to realize just how lucky we are to have the freedoms we have. One of those freedoms is to celebrate with barbecues and fire works. But how do you keep your dog safe on such a lively and sometimes dangerous holiday? Well, we have a couple tips for you that should make your 4th this year a little less stressful.

First off, mind where you will be. If you plan on taking the dog with you on an outing to see fireworks, keep a couple things in mind. The loud bangs and explosions mixed in with the crowd might not be the best thing for the dog&rsquo-s nerves. Being in the center of the crowd in a situation like that is something we do not recommend if you intend to keep your dog safe. Remember, safe is not just about its physical condition, but its mental state as well. If your dog is worked up into a panic, that is not safe for the dog or anyone else.

We actually recommend finding a place where you can still see and hear said fireworks, but where you won&rsquo-t be surrounded by people (and potential strangers pawing at your dog). Perhaps a beach a few miles out of town that has an open enough sky so that you can still see them all.

Honestly, our real recommendation for keeping your dog safe July fourth is just having some friends by (or going by a friend&rsquo-s place) and keeping it low key. Limit the explosions your dog will be subjected to, and just enjoy the day for what is truly is. A celebration of the freedom to just chill with friends, family, and pups, and have a good ole time.

(Photo by Michael Buckner/Getty Images)

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