
Stray dog helps kids jump rope

There are people who love dogs and people who don&rsquo-t. There are people that fear dogs and people that don&rsquo-t. There are people that fear that dogs are bad for kids and will attack them, hurt them or maim them and there are people who know better. Sure, it&rsquo-s entirely understandable that you might not want your kids approaching just any dog. While dogs are wonderful animals, you have no idea how a strange dog might have been treated by a previous owner, or how a dog has been treated by other animals or if it has rabies or some other highly infectious disease. However, that&rsquo-s not very likely to happen, and fear of dogs is a thing that people should get over.

This dog in this video is a stray. He has no home. He has no family. He has no one to love him, and he has no one to love. However, he loves the kids in his local community. Where he lives is not necessarily a high-end community, but the kids here know how to have fun outside. And this dog knows that he can help them when they are in need of just one more person. You have to see this video to see how good this stray dog is with kids, and how talented this dog is with a jump rope. It is simply unbelievable.

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