Is grumpy puppy going to be bigger than grumpy cat?
There is something to be said about grumpiness these days. First there was Scrooge and other people with grumpy mugs. And then came along Grumpy Cat, otherwise known as Tardar Sauce, the sweet kitten that looks anything but sweet thanks to a very interesting form of feline dwarfism. This is a cat that has changed the way of the world with her grumpy face. She&rsquo-s on memes, shirts, cups, mugs, cars, computers, televisions- and she even had her very own Lifetime movie last holiday season. That&rsquo-s a big deal for a cat that was just posted online as a joke because her face looks perpetually angry. We have to say that we kind of love everything about what just happened with that cat. It&rsquo-s made our lives that much more interesting.
For instance, my life is made very pleasant when I can send my mother memes with Grumpy Cat on them when she sends me annoying text messages (love her) and I get some pleasure out of that. I know I&rsquo-m not the only one, either. But that&rsquo-s not the entire point I&rsquo-m trying to make here. My point is this- there are some people who just cannot get over the cuteness of an animal that looks this grumpy all the time. I can&rsquo-t. So what would happen if there was another grumpy animal in the picture?
There is- his name is Grumpy Puppy and he&rsquo-s a young Puggle whose mean mug is making people everywhere stop to look twice. His name is really Earl, and he&rsquo-s 5 months old. He&rsquo-s sweet as can be, but he looks like a grumpy old man who is not amused by your tactics and antics in the least. It&rsquo-s all right, though, because he&rsquo-s got more going on that just a mean mug and a grumpy face. Let&rsquo-s hear a little more about Earl.
His owners state that there is nothing wrong with him that would create such an interesting expression on his face. However, he is a dog who has some interesting expressions. The issue here is that he has an underbite, a dark complexion and some wrinkles that make him look a lot meaner than he really is. Much like Grumpy Cat&rsquo-s owners state, Earl is a happy dog that loves life and is actually very playful. His expression might say otherwise, but it&rsquo-s the truth. These are animals that love their lives and want to spend more time having fun, but their faces have made them the famed expressions behind so much sarcasm and so much annoyance. We love it.
The real question, however, is whether or not Grumpy Puppy is going to become bigger than Grumpy Cat. Well, it depends on who you ask. I asked around, and this is what people have to say on every side of the spectrum. Will Grumpy Puppy make it bigger than Grumpy Cat?
Why? Because people have a thing about cats and being mean. Everyone – whether they are cat haters or cat lovers – feel that cats are meaner than dogs. They&rsquo-re supposed to have looks of animosity and loathing on their faces. They are supposed to look as if they hate you and want you to go away and leave them alone. They want to be standoffish and kind of rude. It&rsquo-s just how cats are. It&rsquo-s a cat thing. Dogs, on the other hand, are very much the opposite. People like to think of dogs as less than intelligent creatures even though we know that they are highly intelligent. We like to think of dogs are overly excited, kind of dumb and very silly. We don&rsquo-t think of them as animals that do anything but love and show affection and happiness. That means that Grumpy Dog is going to turn people off because he&rsquo-s not the &lsquo-epitome&rsquo- of a dog. Grumpy Cat, though, is exactly what people think cats are- mean, a little spiteful and completely unimpressed.
Why? Because 2 million people have already checked him out online and that means that people already love him. Additionally, people seem to love dogs more than cats, even though there are plenty of reports that state that there are more cat owners than dog owners in the United States. Dogs are cute, and they typically do not look mean and spiteful, and people are going to love this. There is something about a dog with a unique expression that makes people want to pay more attention than usual, which is a good thing. This dog is absolutely going to become more famous than the cat, and it&rsquo-s because most people are dog people.
Maybe, but Who knows?
Why? Well, it&rsquo-s a dog and a cat with mean expressions. At the end of the day, it&rsquo-s fun to look at, but no one really cares. I mean, no one. I guess it depends on what you like better- cats or dogs. That&rsquo-s going to make the difference. Or whatever you think is more appropriate. Chances are good, though, that they&rsquo-ll end up partnering up as a couple and working their grumpy faces on everyone in the world as a duo tag-teaming everyone.
At the end of the day, no one knows whether or not Earl the Grumpy Puppy will become more famous than Tardar Sauce, the Grumpy Cat. I can see all sides of the situation, but I like the last one the best. I like to think that this cat and this dog will team up and take on the world together with their grumpy expressions and their innate ability to look at you as if you are nothing. It is a lot of fun either way, and that&rsquo-s what makes it awesome. So let&rsquo-s just see what happens. I think that Grumpy Puppy will hit it pretty big since that is one cute face. But no one is ever going to make Grumpy Cat obsolete. It&rsquo-s just not possible that the world will ever forget about this cat.
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