Bichon mix goes missing and owner thinks she will never see him again
Meet Buster, a sweet Bichon mix that had a very loving home with a very loving woman. Buster lived with Laura. They were the best of friends and they had a lot of fun together. Sadly, when the gate in the yard was accidentally left open, Buster decided it would be the most amazing idea he has ever had to go out and have a good time while he explored the neighborhood. Unfortunately, he ended up getting lost and we assume he was simply unable to find his way home. This dog was officially missing, and his owner was beside herself. She spent months searching for her dog, hoping that someone would recognize him from her signs, her internet photos, her calls to shelters.
He has a microchip, but unless someone turns him in and helps him that way, he&rsquo-s not going to find his way home. Laura was giving up hope that she would ever find her sweet dog again. Five months after he went missing, the family was doing their usual weekend rounds of all the animal shelters in LA when they found a dog that looked a bit like Buster, a Bichon Frise mix, wandering the side of the road, dirty and homeless. They took her in to the vet, had her scanned and she had no microchip. They decided that this sweet dog needed a home and they&rsquo-d like to keep her. They called her Lola, and they decided that somehow Buster had sent this dog to them to love them since he was no longer around.
They kept up their constant search for Buster with Lola in tow, but were never able to find him. So imagine the family&rsquo-s shock when, seven months after he went missing, someone called from a local animal shelter to say that they had Buster. He&rsquo-d been brought in by someone a few moments before, scanned and their information was made available. To make matters even more amazing, Buster and Lola fell instantly in love. What a wonderful story.
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