
Dog with inoperable brain tumor is given wonderful gift by loving family

Adalard is a 3-year-old dog with a life issue that no one ever wants to find out their dog has. Addy, as he is known for short, has a serious and very inoperable brain tumor. He has about two days to live, and even his doctors think that might be a bit of a stretch. This dog&rsquo-s life is coming quickly to an end, and it couldn&rsquo-t come at a worse time. You see, Adalard is a shelter dog without a family. He was discovered wandering around as a stray and brought to the Montgomery County Animal Shelter. Realizing he was quite sick, they contacted the Lone Star Boxer Rescue, where he is now in the care of their hospice program.

When the Anderson family learned of Adalard&rsquo-s health issues and the fact that he has next to no time left to live, they asked the rescue if they could provide this dog with something they think he&rsquo-s never had- a loving family. The rescue agreed, and the family immediately took Addy home to live with them for the rest of his days until he is no longer able to survive his tumor. He will die knowing that it is with a family who loves him, even if they only get to love him for a very short time. Lori, James and their daughters Bella and Ellie have been loving Addy since they recently adopted him, and it&rsquo-s the parent&rsquo-s hope that their daughters will learn a valuable lesson of selflessness and giving in caring for a sick dog.

The family is doing everything they can to ensure that this dog is spoiled as much as possible before his time is up, and they are living up to their promise to Adalard&rsquo-s doctor to do that. They are playing with him, giving him treats and loving him endlessly. It&rsquo-s safe to say his last days are the best days of his life.

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