Dog found with broken legs in elgin gets surgery
A dog found with two broken legs last month in northwest suburban Elgin is recovering and may soon find a new home thanks to a suburban veterinarian&rsquo-s generosity. Police are also seeking the dog&rsquo-s owner on a misdemeanor animal cruelty charge.
Elgin police and animal control officials were first called to a home in the 0 to 100 block of Poplar Creek Drive on March 20, after a witness said someone was kicking the dog while its head was stuck in a door frame, a release said.
You can read the full story at CBS. To Be perfectly honest we just didn&rsquo-t want to print the rest of this story because it&rsquo-s simply too hard to write. Another thing. How in the world does someone get a misdemeanor charge on breaking two legs of a dog? That&rsquo-s justice? By the way the dog, Liberty, was only 6 months old at the time and the surgery was $5000.
By the way, the dog&rsquo-s owner isn&rsquo-t even in jail. There&rsquo-s only a warrant out for his arrest. What kind of world is this???? We really hope Liberty finds a great home.
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