
A police officer rescues a dog after car accident

The South Londonderry Township has wanted to start a K9 Unit for a long time and perhaps this rescue story will begin on. Officer Nick Ague who touts himself as an animal lover, rescued a German Shepherd after a car crash on a highway. The dog then ran away. &ldquo-I&rsquo-m a big animal lover, dogs especially. So I always try to do what I can and in the best interest for the animal,&rdquo- he said.

After the dog ran for about 2 miles after the initial save, he wound up on a field where Ague spotted him. Once the dog was calm enough the Officer was able to put the German Shepherd in his car. He walked about 200 yards with the seventy-five pound injured dog on his back.

His wife Dorthy wasn&rsquo-t surprised. &ldquo-It wasn&rsquo-t the first time he&rsquo-s done something like that to save an animal,&rdquo- she says.

Officer Ague is now getting a lot of attention for his good deed. &ldquo-It&rsquo-s nice to see the positive response that people are giving. I don&rsquo-t consider myself a hero.... I was just doing what I would want someone to do for my dog.”

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