Vet ranch saves yet another beautiful puppy from death
We always have more than just a little excitement on hand when it comes to Vet Ranch videos. When they post something to their YouTube page, we love it. This is the most amazing vet and the most amazing rescue, and it&rsquo-s difficult not to adore everything about it. When Myles, an adorable abandoned puppy, was brought into Vet Ranch, he was not doing well. The dog had a large open sore on his front knuckle because his paw dragged the ground every single time he moved. He clearly had something wrong with his entire leg and it was holding him back like crazy. After an examination, the vet decided that the only way to save this dog&rsquo-s life was to remove his leg.
What&rsquo-s amazing, and you will see this in the video below, is that this dog was not at all held back by his inability to use four legs. In fact, missing one leg seemed to do nothing for him but make it easier for him to get around and really enjoy his life. Now he is the happiest little dog, and we can only imagine it is precisely because he was able to lose this leg and get rid of the dead weight of it that was holding him back. We are so impressed by this dog, and we are so impressed by Vet Ranch. Take a look at the video to see what has happened to this dog- his entire story from start to finish. It&rsquo-s impressive and such a happy ending.
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