
Puppy gets stuck behind sofa and butt-wiggles her way out

Sometimes puppies can really get themselves into sticky situations. The pup in this video has found its way behind sofa and can&rsquo-t seem to get out. The dog hoped that there was a passage on the other side of the sofa, but once he reached the end their was in fact no way to get out. The owner of this pooch decided to turn on her video camera to record this event. While the puppy was never in any danger, the dog seemed to be worried that he couldn&rsquo-t be free for the sofa cave. He probably worried that he would be trapped their forever and never get to see his owner again.

While trapped behind the sofa the dog could hear his owner&rsquo-s voice. The owner called to her dog in hopes that he would hear her and try to back out from behind the furniture. The woman could have moved the sofa, but she wanted her pet to learn the dangers of getting stuck behind things. So the dog was going to have to try and find its way out alone. He was going to have to think of a way to free himself, without turning around because there was no space to move. But what happens next will really amaze you and you will be laughing out loud when you see what happens to this dog.

The puppy, who is a French bulldog, starts to wiggle his little butt back and forth. As you will see the little dog slowly but surely wiggles his butt fast enough, in the direction of his owner&rsquo-s voice and is able to get free. This was really funny to watch and the dog seemed very happy to be free from being trapped by the sofa. This puppy sure does have a lot to learn in life, but this is one lesson that he will probably never forget. He will now be very careful where he goes and surely he won&rsquo-t get stuck behind the sofa again. So if you want to see this very cute video, make sure to check it out below.

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