
Guilty dog begs for forgiveness after chewing up the bed

Canines can really get into trouble when they think they are not being watched. They can do some really destructive things that they are often later ashamed of. The dog in this next video was caught doing something very bad to its owner&rsquo-s bed. So make sure to check it out after reading the article.

The roommate of the dog owner was home alone when he caught the pooch chewing on a brand new bed that the owner had just purchased. She didn&rsquo-t think anyone was watching but when he got caught you can see his immediately shame. It seems the dog has done some real damage to the bed as the roommate tells the dog that there was foam everywhere that he had to clean up. So it&rsquo-s no wonder why this canine is feeling very bad for what she just did.

The quick thinking roommate decided to record the dog and her reaction to being accused of the crime that had just unfolded. The dog was now sitting on the sofa and she looked to be hiding her face. The roommate then told her &ldquo-I&rsquo-m telling on you&rdquo- and the dog really reacted as if she knew she had done something wrong.

But what the dog does next is really amazing. She seems to be begging the guy not to tell on her. She comes over to him and starts to try and show him some love. She even tried to lick him in the face, as if she is saying please don&rsquo-t tell my owner what I have done. It&rsquo-s very amusing to watch as the dog seems to really not want to get into any more trouble. At one point in the video it looks like she is begging for forgiveness. But the roommate doesn&rsquo-t give in and at the end of the video he tells the dog &ldquo-just wait&rdquo-.

This funny video really shows just how smart dogs are and they have emotions very similar to us humans. So make sure to check out the video before you leave. It will have you laughing for sure.

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