
Dogs are no longer seen as property in france: they are living beings

This was a great week to be a dog in France. One of the big problems dog lovers have with the way dog are seen is, dogs are considered property. They are considered something we own. While there may be an ounce of truth to it, the reality is, they are actually living beings and not property. Well guess what? France just declared that dogs are no longer property, but are living beings. This may not seem like a big deal, but it really is.

A big part of this happening is that there was a petition about it, and over 700,000 people signed it. That petition (get it, PET tition? Hahaha) was then sent to parliament, where they had no choice but to observe it and recognize the change from dogs being seen as property to being seen as living beings. This may not seem like it does much on the surface, but it makes a massive difference in their rights, cases of animal cruelty, and how people who mistreat them are treated. Trust us when we say, this is huge news. France definitely had the right idea here, and we can only hope that is starts a trend that continues world wide.

So huge props to France. This is one small step for man, one giant step for canine kind!

(Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images)

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