
Woman charged after leaving her puggle to die in locked car

We say it time and time again. Quite frankly, we are getting tired of saying it so often. You cannot leave a dog in a locked car on a hot day and expect to find the dog happy and healthy when you return to the car. They die in locked, hot cars. Animals cannot survive the heat in a car for very long, and we are tired of animals needing to be rescued from their owner&rsquo-s hot cars because their owners are too dense to get through their heads that they can kill their dog this way. It&rsquo-s not all right, and it&rsquo-s not excusable at this point to say you don&rsquo-t know any better. It&rsquo-s especially inexcusable for this 19-year-old who left her Puggle in her hot car so she could do some shopping – it PetSmart. The store you can actually take your animals into and shop with them.

She left the dog in the car so long in the heat that the dog did not survive. The dog was only five, and it was rushed to a nearby animal hospital where it was already dead after not being able to survive the temps in the 90s that rise quickly inside a hot car. The owner has been charged with animal cruelty for leaving the dog in the car. She could have easily taken the dog into PetSmart with her, and she chose not to. Now the dog is gone and she is to blame for his terrible, awful death.

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