Blind dog and his seeing eye dog rescued in san bernardino
According to the SB Sun
Just days after a blind Husky and his seeing eye dog – a female Terrier mix – were brought into the San Bernardino City Animal Shelter, the duo received a new &ldquo-leash&rdquo- on life Tuesday thanks to a Los Angeles-based rescue organization. Isaac – the Husky – and his pal, Isabella, were found roaming the streets of Fontana prior to being brought to the shelter.
Their inseparable bond was captured by an animal lover who shared their story on Facebook last week. The post was immediately shared by hundreds – and then thousands – capturing the hearts of many, including members of the Stand Foundation who traveled to San Bernardino Tuesday to retrieve the two.
Isaac and Isabella are currently under the care of a Los Angeles vet who works closely with The Stand Foundation. Isaac is going to be sent to a board-certified veterinary opthamologist who will check on his eye condition after blood tests are completed. Volunteers with the nonprofit organization believe his eyes are bulging and distorted because of his eye condition, which is most likely glaucoma. The two will also be up for adopting shortly, Guss said, but only in a home where the two can keep their friendship going.
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