
Have you ever seen a dolphin kiss a dog? You’re about to

When you think of dolphins and dogs, the two really don&rsquo-t often come to mind at the same time. But when the two different animals interact, what happens is simply amazing. It all started when a film crew was out on the ocean, shooting a video for the classic IMAX movie entitled Dolphins. During the filming, they came across a boat with two dogs inside. There was also a man and woman, who appear to be tour boat drivers. As you see the dogs starting to notice something in the water, all of a sudden a dolphin appears on the side of the boat. Then what happens next is simply amazing.

After the dolphin sticks its head out of the water, one of the dogs curiously leans down to get a better look at the other creature. Then the dolphin does something very unexpected. The dolphin gets really close to the dog and gives him a big kiss right on the mouth and nose. This is truly a wonderful gesture by the dolphin and the dog seems to love the experience as well. This very sweet sea animal was very curious about the dog. The dolphin probably wanted to have some deeper connection to the dog and that is why it kissed the canine. You don&rsquo-t get to see things happen like this every day and this moment was a very special one.

After the boat has moved on and the dogs are going away, the dolphin swims behind the boat and leaps into the air. This joyful animal really seems to be pleased with his day of dog watching. It&rsquo-s almost like the dolphin is saying goodbye to the dogs, by jumping into the air and waving his fin.

This moment was caught on film at just the right time. If the camera crew would have been just a moment too late, the world would not have gotten to see this beautiful moment. So if you want to see a dolphin kissing a dog, then this is your chance. Check out the video below and you too will be stunned at this event.

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