
Little dog has a tough time handling the bouncing frog toy

I am sure many of you out there, that have dogs for pets, probably already know they can do strange things. Our canine friends sometimes seem to have a different way of doing things than some animals would. The dog in this next video also seems to have a mind of her own, as you will see.

The video clip starts out pretty normal. Two little pooches are playing with what appears to be a green toy. This green toy turns out to be a bouncing frog, which jumps when you wind it up. This really sparks the interest of one of the dogs and she takes it away from the other animal in the room. But I am sure that later on, the little pooch will share the toy after she has gotten tired of playing with it.

As she starts to play with the toy, she starts to do something a little strange. Instead of trying to grab the toy with her mouth, she paws at the floor. But this isn&rsquo-t just normal pawing, no it&rsquo-s super pawing. This little doggy paws at the floor with lighting speed! As the toy gets closer she only gets faster and soon it&rsquo-s hard to tell what might happen.

But all is well towards the end of the clip and you can tell that the dog is very warn out from all of the movements she was making. This video turned out to be really cute. Watching the curious little dog try to play with the green frog reminded me of a dog that I had as a child. Anything she seen she had to check it out by pawing at it first.

I simply love watching dog videos don&rsquo-t you? I am so glad that there are thousands of different ones to watch and I have seen my fair share of them over the years. I guess it&rsquo-s the cute factor that draws me into watch them.

So if you are looking for a short, but super cute dog video, this is the one for you. So make sure to check it out below.

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