
You will not believe what this dog did after seeing someone do push ups

Working out is a great way to stay in shape. While hitting the gym is one way of accomplish this goal, you can also workout from home. But for the guy in this next video he just might want to fire his trainer because it seem like he has all the motivation he needs.

During this short clip, the guy starts to do some pushups on the floor of his apartment. But what happens next is super funny. As the guy starts to do his workout, a furry little trainer comes walking in the room. The man&rsquo-s best friend, a very cute medium sized dog seems to want to help him with his workout but as you will see it becomes a bit counterproductive.

As the man does a few pushups, the dog then tries to motivate him by climbing under him and tries to lick his face. While I am sure this pooch is just trying to play it is a very funny video to watch. The guy keeps trying to do his exercise but the dog seems to be getting in the way. I am sure the dog thinks she is helping the man, don&rsquo-t you?

This very cute dog really must love her owner very much and maybe the dog thought something was wrong with the man and that is why she was trying to stop him from his workout. But whatever the reason was it really made a funny video. I wonder if there are more videos like this one circulating around the internet. If so, this man and this pooch just might become the next internet video sensation.

I wonder if this canine does this every time the man tries to work out? Maybe the man should think about going to the gym the next time he wants to do some pushups. But if he brings his dog along, I bet that would really be funny for the other people to see. So if you are a dog lover or a fan of exercise, make sure to check out this cool video below. You will surely get a laugh out of this one.

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