
Saints’ quarterback drew brees sponsors service dog for veteran

Drew Brees is most famous for being the quarterback for the New Orleans Saints, but he is so much more than that. He and his wife have four kids, and they make it a priority in their lives to give back. Brees and his wife Brittany met and began dating in college, and have been married for more than a decade. Throughout the course of their marriage, they&rsquo-ve always been very giving. When someone is in need and there is something that they can do, they do it. Last year the couple was introduced to the K9s for Warriors program. This is a program that provides service dogs to veterans who suffer from PTSD and other issues related to their jobs.

Since the Brees&rsquo- are a couple who make it well-known to the world that they are thankful for everything the military and those in it do for this country, they are always supporting the military. That&rsquo-s why they made a very personal decision recently to sponsor a German Shepherd mix for an Air Force vet who suffers from PTSD. Since these animals are so expensive, it&rsquo-s not always possible for those who need one the most to afford it. The Brees&rsquo- decided to sponsor this dog for April Sandlin, an Air Force Vet living with PTSD. Her new dog, Brees, helps her get through her day-to-day life by helping to ease her fears and anxiety and make it easier for her to function like a normal person. We are so impressed with the Brees&rsquo- family, but nothing is new there.

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