
Watch how excited this dog gets when he opens his christmas present

There is nothing quite like the excitement we all feel on Christmas morning. There is nothing like waking up and seeing your kids open their gifts, seeing your husband open his and opening your own- it&rsquo-s fun and it&rsquo-s just one of those moments that makes us all feel good about life in general. As excited as I am about opening my own gifts on Christmas morning, I&rsquo-m always a bit more excited to see everyone else open theirs. I put a lot of thought into what they receive from me, I make sure they get what they want and I love to see their excitement when they open it.

Even with four kids, though, no one showed nearly as much excitement as the dog in this hilarious video- and they were very excited. This dog is so excited to see that he has the biggest present under the tree, and he is so impatient to open it he cannot even stand still long enough to figure it out. His person wrapped himself up, and the dog&rsquo-s reaction to finding him there is nothing short of priceless. Go ahead- enjoy this video and this dog unwrapping the best present under the tree.

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