
Simple ways to cut cost on dog food

FDA Warns Of Contaminated Pet Food Still Being Sold

We love our dogs, right? And we want to make sure they are living the best quality life they can, right? Part of this means buying them the tastiest and best dog food out there. The stuff they really love, regardless of price. Truth is, there is no expense too high when it comes to our dogs and their happiness. But if you have a larger dog, and they like expensive food, you can really feel that in the wallet at the end of the month. So we decided to take a quick moment to give you some tips about buying dog food that may help you cut the cost off some of that expense. Hey, every little bit helps, right?

First off, have you looked into buying your dog&rsquo-s favorite food in bulk? That may seem an odd question if you want someone to save money, but on every case, they will. While buying in bulk can seem expensive at first, you need to look at the bigger picture. If you buy one case (12 packages) of dog food for, let&rsquo-s say, one hundred dollars. If you were to buy each one of those boxes across the next twelve months, it would have cost you one hundred eighty dollars. The dog is getting the same amount of food, and a food it already loves, you are just paying a little more up front to pay WAY LESS on the back end. Trust us, it is well worth it. Especially if they carry a brand your dog loves.

Next up, don&rsquo-t order online. I know a great many sites seem like they have lower prices than a store, but guess what? When they tell you the price, they rarely factor in taxes and shipping until you are already checking out. This means that by the time you are done, that same dog food, purchased for a year, just cost you an extra 120 dollars. I hope you aren&rsquo-t paying that high a mark up just for convenience.

Those are just two simple steps, but follow them both and you could be saving a lot of money on dog food, every year.

(Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

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