
Hypoallergenic cat food: get to know the facts and myths

Hypoallergenic food for cats is becoming quite popular since most cat owners want to prevent their feline friends from adverse impacts of allergies which could be caused by certain foods. What pet owners need to know is that pet food allergies are specific to various pets.

A hypoallergenic cat food is a general term for cat a food without the common dietary allergens. These allergens mostly include dairy products, wheat and beans among others.

What Is A Food Allergy?

  • Having an oily coat which produces too much odor, too much itching which leads to scratching, shedding of fur, severe infections of the ears and accumulation of a yeasty substance in the cat’s ears
  • Upsets of the digestive system which appear in the form of bloating, gas, diarrhea, vomiting
  • Reduction in your cat’s activeness and profuse licking of the feet

What Are Hypoallergenic Cat Foods?

What Are Hypoallergenic Cat Foods
Treating An Allergic Cat With Hypoallergenic Food

Homemade Hypoallergenic Diet For Your Kitty

Homemade Hypoallergenic Diet
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