
Princess bunny is the prettiest three-legged kitty ever

I am really “girly.” Growing up though, being girly was seen as a bad thing — a sign of weakness — so I hid it away, denying myself a part of my identity. Then, as I grew up, I became free of those ideas and I discovered that femme is as much an identity as a political position — an intentional femininity that challenges patriarchal culture. It’s my own femininity, which I define as wearing makeup, but only when I really want to- wearing dresses and wedges, but not shaving my legs.

What does this have to do with cats? It has everything to do with Princess Bunny, a three-legged kitty whom I think is absolutely pretty. As I was looking through Facebook, trying to find a Miracle for today, I came across Princess Bunny. It was her name that really struck me: a pretty “girly” name. And then I read that she has only three legs, and there was something really endearing about that.

Beyond that, according to her Facebook page, Princess Bunny’s adoption was inspired by Lil Bub, and how adorable is that? Good job, Bub! I knew I just had to feature her.

Princess Bunny is only six months old and even though she’s the cutest with her little bob tail, no one wanted her because she has only three legs. That’s until her human friends were inspired by Lil Bub and decided to adopt Princess Bunny. And I think that was a great decision.

All photos via Lil Princess Bunny’s Facebook page — go check her out and tell her Catster says Hello.

Read more Monday Miracles on Catster:

About Liz Acosta: Catster’s former Cuteness Correspondent, Liz still manages the site’s daily “Awws,” only now she also wrangles Catster’s social media. That’s why she wants you to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and — her personal favorite — Instagram. See ya there!

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