
Ever heard of a squitten? Neither had we, until this

If a cat and a squirrel could have a baby, it would be a “squitten.” By which I mean that the resulting little one would have very short front legs and normal-length hind legs — sort of resembling a squirrel or a kangaroo. Hence this Monday Miracle’s name — Kanga.

Kanga was born in August to a litter of four kittens, however, she was the only one born a squitten. For the family who would eventually adopt Kanga, this wasn’t really a problem — Kanga had adapted to her particularly unique physique.

Right before being adopted, Kanga became ill, and a visit to the vet found the kitty with a pretty rough diagnosis. In addition to her deformed front legs, Kanga also suffers from Megaesophagus, a condition that requires a special diet and upright eating position because Kanga can’t swallow properly. Further investigation revealed that her condition was caused by a vascular deformity called Double Aortic Arch.

In other words, Kanga is a pretty unique kitten — er, squitten. There’s a chance that surgery can rectify some of Kanga’s ailments, but she would need to be seen by a specialist who knows a lot about Kanga’s particular set of very rare problems. For a lot of other kittens, this would be a death sentence, but for Kanga, her human friends have promised to do what they can to provide her with the best life possible.

All photos via Kanga’s Facebook page — go check it out and tell her Catster sent you!

Read more Monday Miracles on Catster:

About Liz Acosta: Catster’s former Cuteness Correspondent, Liz still manages the site’s daily “Awws,” only now she also wrangles Catster’s social media. That’s why she wants you to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and — her personal favorite — Instagram. See ya there!

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