
A police officer rescues an injured dog from train tracks


According to Life with Dogs:

Hillsboro, Oregon police officer Megan Hewitt was on a routine traffic stop when she heard a dog cry out. Looking around, she saw an SUV heading down the street and a German shepherd running. She surmised the dog had been hit, and told the driver she had pulled over that this dog needed her attention.

The dog scampered into a field and out of sight. Hewitt scanned the area, but couldn&rsquo-t see the shepherd. Then, she spotted something black on the Tri-Met train tracks at the Willow Creek Station. She rushed to the tracks and radioed in to dispatch to stop any trains from coming through.

The former canine handler was laughing because she thought that people would think she was crazy for what she was doing. The dog, Lexie was a bit scared when Hewitt arrived but Megan did a great job of putting the dog at ease. A train was also halted during the rescue. And thanks to an identification tag Lexie&rsquo-s owners were notified and able to take back their dog. She is now recuperating at home.

We wish Lexie and her family the best. Way to go Megan Hewitt!

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