
Cat photobombs univision weather forecast

The weather report on the local news is rarely the most exciting part of the broadcast. Unless you’re photobombed by a cat, that is.

Last Friday, Univision meteorologist Eduardo Rodriguez was delivering the forecast from the channel’s Miami studio, offering a prediction of fair skies, temperatures in the 60s — and a chance of cat butt.

Okay, Rodriguez didn’t call for cat butt, but that didn’t bother the gray and white kitty who strolled across the weather set. As a tail appeared, followed by the rest of the cat’s body, the weather forecaster kept his cool, but his colleagues were roaring with laughter as kitty made his journey from the Gulf of Mexico eastward through the Florida Keys, apparently headed to the Bahamas.

Rodriguez apparently wasn’t upset about the cat’s surprise appearance during his weather forecast. He later tweeted, "la Gata vino a investigas si continuar├¡a el fr├¡o" (The cat came to investigate whether it would continue to be cold).

Univision thought the incident was funny enough to post the video on its YouTube channel, noting that five cats live in the station’s parking lot, and sometimes they get into the studio.

(In a reader? Watch the video here.)

We hope members of the Univision staff are taking care of those cats and having them trapped, neutered, and returned to their home.

Sources: The Clicker and ABC News

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