
A redditor rescues a cat on a bike ride- the internet sighs a collective “aww!”

Cats come into our lives when we least expect them.

For Redditor “dhiems,” the last thing he expected was to find a cat 20 miles into a bike ride through marshlands.

The tiny black kitten ran out into the street while dhiems was out on his bicycle, but he didn’t see the cat’s crossing as bad luck — in fact, the encounter proved to be lucky for both him and the kitten. Knowing the kitten would probably die if left to fend for himself, dhiems plucked some of the surrounding grass, padded his pannier with it, and rode 10 more miles with his new kitty passenger.

The kitten was so tired and grateful that he immediately fell into a deep slumber upon arriving at his new home.

Dubbed Maximus, the kitten quickly bonded with his new family, and even picked out a perch on the couch. He also made himself right at home at the dinner table and immediately set about the very important task of gnashing his teeth at birds out the window.

About six months old, Maximus is thriving and enjoying all the luxuries of living with a loving human family. Among them is drinking from a glass, proving that cats are inherently civilized creatures, whatever their origins. Field cat or city cat, cats need glasses to drink water from, OK?

Photos via Reddit

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