
It’s a christmas miracle! Lil bub climbs steps like a champ

Everyone’s favorite permakitten, Lil BUB, was never supposed to walk due to the osteopetrosis and extreme dwarfisim that cause her minute size and affected the formation of her back legs. The vets her owner, Mike Bridavsky, consulted said it would only be a matter of weeks before Lil’ BUB would be unable to move at all, but this little survivor who has won the collective hearts of cat lovers across the Internet is proving everybody wrong. (Ed’s note: She was happily lolloping all over the floor of our office when she came to visit!)

Due to her extreme determination, top-notch medical care and the support of her fans and family, Lil BUB isn’t just walking: she’s taking the world by storm. And this week? She’s learned to conquer stairs.

Take a look at this video clip of BUB climbing a set of 15 steps. After mastering them once, she climbed them again and again…and again! Lil BUB is now a stair-climbing master.

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