
5 Photos of cats who look suspiciously like other animals

I have what you might call an active imagination. When I look at cats, I sometimes see non-cat things. A few months ago I wrote about cats who look like food

. I also created a delicious post about cats who resemble ice cream flavors. Yes, I’m occasionally food-obsessed- however, when I lay my eyes on certain cats, other animals come to mind. My assessments could be based of the color of their fur, the shape of their features or even their mannerisms. And then I’ll give them nicknames based on their animal twin. Every cat needs at least a dozen nicknames anyway, right?

Here are five kitties who I think look like other animals.

1. Owl

OK, this cat is not actually a house cat. He’s a really cool wildcat called a Pallas Cat. Don’t you love his ears? I can’t help it — when I look at this Pallas’ face, all I can see is an owl! His face is fluffy and his eyes and ears are remarkably owly, don’t you think? Plus he looks pretty wise. I’d totally take advice from that cat.

2. Polar Bear

Bears and cats often stretch out in the same way and I think this white kitty looks a lot like a polar bear who’s chillin’ out. Polar bears are lazy and slow-moving, much like cats. I’d love to run my fingers through that dense white bear fur and even take a huff or two, but somehow I think it would be slightly riskier that the warning chomp I get from my cats.

3. Slug

I often call my cats slugs because of the way they lie around the house. There’s just something about their shape and the way their bodies are so flat against the ground. It’s different than a loaf shape. It’s kind of a messy loaf — like they’re not completely tucked. And then other times they completely stretch out with their bellies against the ground and they look extra sluggy. Plus, cats are just giant, lazy slugs — just less slimy. I don’t think I’d want to snuggle with a slug. Sluggle.

4. Meerkat

I love, love love it when cats stand on their hind legs. My little Phoebe briefly entertains me with that position now and again. I sometimes wish my cats walked around like that — you know, like Puss in Boots or any of the cats in the vintage postcards. And then of course I’d want them to dress up in cute little outfits and wear top hats and monocles. You know, normal stuff.

5. Hippo

I couldn’t end this post without mentioning Saffy. She’s a big ol’ gray girl and we’ve always very lovingly called her “Hippo.” She plods about slowly and is pretty solid like her Wild Kingdom counterpart. Recently, she was honored by having her hippo-riffic self immortalized as a superhero aptly called, “The Mighty Hippo.” Jeff Hebert did a fantastic job giving my girl fierce teeth and a badass persona. Her only weakness? Lack of stealth.

Does your cat look like another animal? Tell us in the comments!

About the Author: Angie Bailey is an eternal optimist with an adoration of all things silly. Loves pre-adolescent boy humor, puns, making up parody songs, thinking about cats doing people things and The Smiths. Writes Catladyland, a cat humor blog, Texts from Mittens (birthed right here on Catster) and authored whiskerslist: the kitty classifieds, a silly book about cats wheeling and dealing online. Partner in a production company and writes and acts in comedy web series that features sketches and mockumentaries. Mother to two humans and three cats, all of which want her to make them food.

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