Decorate and edit your photos like a pro!
Great New Resources For Decorating and Editing Your Pet’s Photos
A really common question we get is how can I do special things with my photos? Once upon a time it used to require having complicated software and a lot of patience and skill.
But recently there has been a litter of websites that make it really easy to do most anything you could imagine with your photos. We just posted a new FAQ on it, but here’s the shortlist.
To re-size, crop, tint, adjust, tape together photos, try these out:
- PicResize
- Picnik
- Wiredness
To animate and decorate your photos with images, captions, and a lot of other fun:
- Blingee
- PikiPimp
- GifWorks
- Comeeko
If you like using any of these let your friends (and us) know!
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