
Obsessions: enjoy cats and halloween year-round with these spooky art things

Editor’s note:

This story originally appeared in the September/October 2015 issue of Catster print magazine. Click here to subscribe to Catster magazine.

Halloween is my favorite holiday, and I’ve always thought it should be celebrated year-round. But because I don’t want to be that weird neighbor who still has her Halloween decorations up in February, I’ve learned how to add a touch of scary to my home décor without being obvious. Art is a great way to do that, and these four artists definitely know how to sneak in a bit of the spooky.

Mari Lowery, Frighten

When I discovered Mari Lowery’s Etsy shop, I thought, “Amazing!” Inspired by her love of old photos, animals, oddities, nature, and, not surprisingly, Halloween, Mari’s mixed media work is distinct, imaginative, and more than a little spooky.

Frighten’s Etsy shop

Using antique photos — mostly from the Victorian era — Mari transforms them into portraits that are perfect for those of us who love the strange, scary, and unusual. Read this Catster interview with Mari Lowery from September.

$15 to $50 for prints- $30 to $130 for originals

Sara Pulver, 3Crows

Sara Pulver calls her animal art world “quirky and just slightly demented.” And that’s what makes her artwork so wonderful. Her cards, prints, and original pieces depict our animal friends with whimsy, charm, and a strange sense of humor.

3Crows Etsy shop

Her playful and clever styles, rich color schemes, and attention to detail really make her work stand out and a joy to see. Her Etsy shop features cards, prints, and original pieces. She especially enjoys doing custom paintings, which make great gifts for animal lovers.

$3 to $1,700

Rob Reger

He’s probably best known as the artist behind the charracter Emily the Strange, but he’s also the creator of some really cool cat-themed art.

Rob Reger

I had the pleasure of meeting Rob at CatConLA and kept gravitating toward the cat paintings in his booth. His art is a mix of DIY punk, psychedelia, and pop surrealism — and adding cats to that mix makes it better.

Rob Reger’s new resin-cast Kitty Gems. (Image courtesy Rob Reger’s Instagram)

His newest creation is Kitty Gems — cat figurines that appear to made from precious gems. They’re made of resin and are molded, casted, sanded, and polished by Rob. You can also follow Rob on Instagram at @robreger

$50 to $5,000 (prints, original paintings, drawings, and watercolors)- $120 to $295 (Kitty Gems)

About the author: Annie is the managing editor of Catster Magazine.

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