5 Important life lessons you can learn from cat videos
Ever think your cat knows something you don’t? Sure, he may have been sitting in the corner cleaning his butt with his tongue for the last 20 minutes, but his wide, green eyes seem to suggest a deeper intelligence. When he’s done grooming, he immediately starts to eat, which is gross. But then he looks at you, and you think, “He’s just messing with me.”
The good news: You’re not crazy. You were right not to underestimate your kitty’s drive to succeed — and you can learn from him. Here are five important things our cats can teach us that will seriously impress the hell out of the other humans.
1. Don’t be intimidated because someone is bigger than you
It’s easy to assume that if someone is physically large enough to kick your ass, you should avoid her — especially if, as in the case of this BFF cat-and-lynx duo, she could rip you apart with her teeth and eat you. But as many cliches teach us, looks can be deceiving. Instead of being intimidated, try approaching her just like you would anyone else. As this video proves, the two of you could be snuggling and grooming each other’s faces in no time.
2. Share your experience with younger generations
Here’s one of the great regrets of my life: When I turned 18, I did not apply for a single out-of-state university. I had great grades and probably could have gotten a scholarship, but instead I took the path of least resistance and attended my local community college. I had a great experience and ended up getting a degree at a nearby university, but I always felt like I missed out on the excitement of living in a larger city and/or studying abroad. As a result, when I’m talking to kids these days who are unsure of whether to move out of state for college, my response is always the same: DO IT. DO IT NOW.
In that spirit, here’s an elder kitty who’s generous enough to show the new kitten the ropes — after hissing at him the customary 437 times, of course.
3. Dance often
The main problem with being shy: It’s just not that much fun. (Trust me, I know: Since childhood, I have progressed from “painfully shy” to “at least moderately uncomfortable in pretty much all social situations,” and it sucks.)
No one wants to hang out on the sidelines checking their smartphone, eating too many cheese cubes, and feeling wistful when they could be living it up in the moment. Take it from these two headbanging kittens: Life is more fun (and more adorable) when you’re not afraid to dance.
4. Don’t be a creeper
Remember that time you got out of the shower to find two pairs of wide, curious eyes staring right at you? (Of course you remember — it was, like, this morning.) Instead of leaving the room when you reacted to their presence with obvious alarm, maybe the owners of those eyes decided to lick your toes and/or the shampoo bottle while purring. That was the moment you knew: Your cats are creepers.
So is the cat in this amazing 15-second video. Watch it- then watch it again. This creepy kitty is obviously some kind of henchman involved in an intricate, diabolical plot involving treats and laser pointers. Go ahead — watch it again.
5. Respect your elders
Older humans might know a thing or two you don’t, but they’re also incredibly cranky and impatient, especially when they’re trying to sleep. As this kitten learns the hard way, a large part of respecting your elders means leaving them alone during naptime.
Watch more cat videos:
- Everything We Know About Confidence We Learned From These Siamese Cats
- This Cat Is Better at Jenga Than You Are, and Other Harsh Truths
- 5 Actionable Steps to Improve Your Bottom Line (Just Kidding! Here’s a Music Video About Kittens in Space!)
- Tips for Professional Development: Stop Working and Look at These Cats!
Learn more about your cat with Catster:
- I’m Willing to Bet That Your Cat Hates Her Litter Box — Here’s Why
- Weird Cat Facts: 8 Reasons Your Cat Likes to Lick You
- Our Best Tips for Getting Your Cat to Let You Sleep
About Angela: This not-crazy-at-all cat lady loves to lint-roll her favorite dress and go out dancing. She also frequents the gym, the vegan coffee joint, and the warm patch of sunlight on the living room floor. She enjoys a good cat rescue story about kindness and decency overcoming the odds, and she’s an enthusiastic recipient of headbutts and purrs from her two cats, Bubba Lee Kinsey and Phoenix.
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