
Can you train a cat to do tricks? – things you must know about cat training!

Can you train a cat

Cats are adorable, but can you train them like dogs? Let’s learn the Secrets of the Cat Training!

“How do I train my cat?”, “Can you train a cat to do tricks?”, “Can I train my cat to do tricks like a puppy?” These are a few questions I’ve been asked a lot. In this article, today, we’ll try to solve these puzzles. Hopefully, after reading this, you’ll be able to figure out how to train your cat. Let’s begin.

Can you train a cat?

Well, first of all, keep in mind that cats aren’t pack animals like dogs. They have independent natures. And they don’t usually respond well to commands, at least not as well as dogs do.Being said that, training a cat is possible but it works differently as compared to dog training. It requires a lot of practice, and you need be patient and persistent.

Being said that, training a cat is possible but it works differently as compared to dog training. It requires a lot of practice, and you need be patient and persistent.

So, how exactly do you train a cat?

The only way to train a cat is by offering it some rewards (some high-quality treats, preferably). Cats like to do whatever they want. If you want them to do something for you, you need to make them feel like they are the boss, and that they want to do those things themselves. That’s probably the only way to make them do it.

An important thing to remember in cat training is NEVER to punish a cat.

Do cats Understand Punishment? No, they don’t. At least not by the human, or even by dog standards. Shouting at or hitting a cat can never get you positive results.

The reason for this behavior is quite understandable: Cats simply don’t understand the situation. If you shout at them, there is a chance they may consider it as a positive response because, well, you are communicating with them, and words are same for them. If you hit them, they can get stressed and start behaving aggressively. They might even attack you, and you can get hurt.

So, what do you need to do?

If you really want to make your cat realize that they have done something wrong, the only way is to ignore them and not to respond them for a while. Most of the cats crave for attention. Our fluffy friends crave for attention. This happens a few time, and your cat will start understanding it as a punishment.

Cat Training – Basic Requirements

The next important question is: What do we need if we want to train a cat? Well, there are many different types of cat training, but they all start with similar steps. Let’s see what we need.

Before going forward, keep in mind what we’ve learned so for: To deal with cats, one needs to be extremely patient, persistent and generous. It is also important to remember that there is no universal manual for cat training. You need to be innovative and try out different things to get the results.

Ok then, let’s move to the practical part…

To start the training, you just need three things: a cat, preferably a kitten because they are relatively easy to train, some yummy cat treats and a target item. You can use any stick-like object (like a pen, or a toy) as the target item. The purpose is to make your cat follow the target item (you can use finger-pointing instead). To make the training easier, you can also get a cat clicker training kit if you want.

Confused? Let me Explain…

What is a cat clicker?Can you train a cat? - Cat Clicker Training

A clicker is simply a device with a button that, when pressed, produces a clicking sound. The use of clicker is more common in dogs, but it can also be used in cat training to teach them different tricks.The device is usually very cheap and doesn’t cost more than $1. Still, if you don’t want to get one, you can download some cat clicker app on your smartphone and use it instead.

During the cat training, whenever your cat does something you want it to do. You press the clicker and offer your cat some treat. This process can be very helpful in cat training as the cat begins to associate the clicking sound with good behavior and starts behaving accordingly to get rewards. The click for the cat is like “Good boy! You did good, and this earns you a treat!”

The device is available in pet shops, or you can order it from websites like Amazon. It is usually very cheap and doesn’t cost more than $1. Still, if you don’t want to get one, you can download some cat clicker app on your smartphone and use it instead. You can even use a pen that produces a clicking sound. If your cat is deaf, use some flashlight for training.

Cat Training – Some Important Tips

Here are a few simple things you need to keep in mind if you want to go for the cat training:

  • Never punish a cat. Tricks are fun only when both of you enjoy them.
  • Keep in mind the personality of the cat. For example, if a cat is shy, it may not be easy to teach him how to sit on your lap.
  • Note the body language of the cat. If the cat seems tired or uninterested, don’t push it. Try it another time, when your cat is fresh and hungry.
  • Be patient, generous, and consistent.
  • If a cat doesn’t want to learn a trick, despite your best efforts, don’t be disappointed. We love our fur balls, no matter what. Don’t we?
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