Rottweiler training: seven things you need to know
If you are considering getting a Rottweiler puppy or are having a hard time training him, a little information may go a long way. Problems in Rottweiler training can manifest in many forms, including disobeying you or your commands, or even aggression issues. Whether you are dealing with a puppy or an adult, the key ingredients are positive reinforcement and patience. Dog training is a continuous commitment that you must adhere to on a daily basis. Dogs in general have a short attention span and it&rsquo-s very easy for them to forget the commands you have taught them within a limited time. On the flip side, Rottweilers are extremely intelligent, loyal, and affectionate. They can also be very sensitive, and have the ability to form very close and special bonds with their human family.
With that in mind, it is important to note that the Rottweiler is not suitable for everyone. It comes with a whole lot of responsibilities and can become extremely dangerous when left in the wrong hands. Naturally, Rottweilers are strong, slow-maturing, headstrong, and often susceptible to dominant behaviors. This is why obedience training and socialization are absolutely necessary to address properly when adopting a Rottweiler. Here are seven things you need to know about Rottweiler training.
1. You need to start early
It is crucial to start your Rottweiler training at an early age, preferably between the ages of six weeks and six months. An older Rottweiler may require a little more time, effort and patience, but it&rsquo-s still doable. This is because the Rottweiler is very intelligent, obedient, and loyal in nature, and will want to make you happy. Employ proper dog communication and positive reinforcement training when dealing with a dog of any age.
2. There are different types of commands
Rottweiler training involves several types of commands. The most basic obedience command is the &ldquo-sit&rdquo- command. Grab a few tasty treats in your hand and then get your dog&rsquo-s attention. Hold one treat in front of his nose and then in a firm, calm voice, ask him to &ldquo-sit&rdquo-. Now, move the treat up and back over his head gently, so that his nose follows the treat and his rear end goes downwards naturally. Once his little but reaches the floor, encourage him with a &ldquo-good sit&rdquo- praise and then feed him the treat. Every command needs to be short, preferably limited to one or two words at the most. Your voice should also be friendly, and a successful command should always be followed by a praise. Never hit or yell at your puppy.
3. Train for the right amount of time
At the onset of your Rottweiler training, perform the commands for ten to fifteen minutes each. Spread out the commands you are teaching during this time. You can try with 5-15 repetitions per command, rewarding and praising him after the period is over. You can repeat this up to 3 times daily with various commands. On the other hand, it is advisable to start with shorter time periods, like 3 seconds per command, in order for the command to be effective. Once he gets the hang of it, you can increase the time gradually.
4. Dealing with dominance
The Rottweiler can display a dominant attitude towards other dogs, but this does not interpret to an aggressive attitude towards people. The former is their natural character while the latter is lack of socializing or bad breeding. They have a natural tendency to dominate and intimidate other dogs (and even people), an aspect of their personality that should be curbed from a young age. They see you as the &ldquo-pack leader&rdquo- – and if you are not, they will take the responsibility. Do not stare directly into your dog&rsquo-s eye while trying to dominate them, as this makes them feel threatened. When dealing with a Rottweiler than is possessive over food, try feeding him by hand or letting him take food from the bowl while your fingers are still inside. If you do this from an early age, he will not resent it.
5.Socialize Your Rottweiler
You need to ensure your Rottweiler is comfortable around other dogs and humans. You can do this by taking your puppy out to the park, for walks, over your friends houses, or even inviting your friends over. Socializing is essential for a happy and comfortable puppy. Social contact with people and other dogs will determine the kind of adult he will become.
6. Be Prompt With Your Reactions
Effective dog training is all about perfect timing. Exerting punishment on a Rottweiler over something he did three hours ago will not work. In any case, you should not even punish your dog at all, as it is generally useless. A better method is to use rewards at exactly the right time. For instance, if you reward your dog for staying, just as he starts walking and coming over to you, you&rsquo-ll have rewarded him for the &ldquo-come&rdquo- command. The next time you ask him to stay, he will remember the reward and start walking again.
7. Be Consistent
You can use any of the principles above for your Rottweiler training. However, your success will ultimately be determined by your consistency. Take advantage of when your puppy is feeling relaxed and alert to conduct a training session. Avoid training the dog when he is wound up, sleepy, or not feeling well, as he will not be attentive enough.
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