
Cat escapes from airtport security check point

If you travel on an airline with your cat, it is VERY important to ask the security staff to take him inside of a room with a door in order to “frisk” him so that there is no risk of the animal escaping. Always keep him harnessed. And allow extra time.

The following story describes the problems that ensue in not keeping your cat secure when you’re in an airport.

The latest Newark Airport security breacher is a plus-sized kitty! The 25-pounder lodged himself under a bomb-detection machine yesterday morning, causing other passengers to be directed to a different security screening area.

The unnamed tabby was stuck for about 20 minutes when Port Authority police used a hydraulic device to lift the heavy machine (which weighs a few thousand pounds) and free it. According to NJ.com, “the portly cat that had worked its way under 4 inches of clearance.” It was removed from its carrier which needed to go through an X-ray machine.

One Port Authority officer said the cat “looked relaxed” throughout the whole ordeal. Typical. As for the humans, they missed their flight and will be attempting to fly out of the same airport today.

[SOURCE: Gothamist PHOTO: icanhascheezburger]

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