
Win a five-pack of “catnip joints” from stark raving cat

Cats are not huge fans of Halloween, and can you blame them? The doorbell rings all night. Their humans wear weird clothes, with the braver ones dressing kitty up, too. Make up for the madness with this Friday Freebie: a five-pack of Stark Raving Cat “catnip joints” and Bat-Cat Halloween card. We have three sets to give away!

The catnip joints are actually hand-sewn cotton toys filled with super-premium, super-potent catnip — no fillers, just leaves and buds. Kitties don’t light up, but they do mouth and sniff the joints, and bat them around at the height of their high.

As a special bonus, the toys will arrive with a blank Halloween card you can keep or send to a fellow cat lover.

Follow the directions below for a chance to win, but also take advantage of the 10 percent discount Stark Raving Cat has generously offered Catster readers. Simply enter starkravingcatster during checkout at StarkRavingCat.com.

How to Enter

  1. Create a Disqus account, if you haven’t already, and include a valid email. It takes just a minute and allows you to better participate in Catster’s community of people who are passionate about cats. If you already have a Disqus account, check it to ensure the account includes a valid email.
  2. Comment below using your Disqus account, telling us how you spend Halloween with your cats. Bonus points for photos of costumed kitties! Our favorite comment wins. You must be a U.S. or Canada resident to score this prize.
  3. Check your email for a “You’ve Won!” message from us after noon PST on Thursday, Oct. 9. We’ll give the winner two days to respond before moving on to our next favorite.

Good luck!

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