
Dog breed of the day: french bulldog

From Dog Breed Info: The French Bulldog is a pleasant, easy-care companion who is playful, alert and affectionate. It is enthusiastic and lively, without being yappy and loud. Curious, sweet and absolutely hilarious, it has a very comical personality and loves to clown around. It is bright and easygoing. The Frenchie gets along fairly well with strangers and other animals and enjoys being with its owner.

We&rsquo-ve heard some fantastic stories about French Bulldogs and if any of you out there own one we&rsquo-d love to hear yours. Also, if you have any videos or pictures of your French Bulldog please send them in. In the meantime we hope you enjoy this small gallery of French Bulldog pictures. Be sure to click &ldquo-next&rdquo- beneath each photo to view them all!

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