
What’s more fun than a cat in a box? A kitnipbox scavenger hunt

Last year I gifted Managing Editor Vicky Walker a paper goods subscription service. I know Vicky loves receiving mail and is particularly fond of notecards, so I couldn’t think of anything more delightful than three months of receiving unique cards via the postal service. Vicky loved the gift.

KitNipBox is similar to subscription services like TOTO and Birch Box, except it’s just for cats! Sure, your cat is probably stoked just to receive a cardboard box with her name on it, but KitNipBox (besides being a box) is packed with treats and goodies for your kitties.

It works like this: You subscribe to KitNipBox at one of their three options and they send you a box of cat toys and treats at the beginning of each month. It’s a fun little surprise every time — for both you and your cat.

But wait — it gets better!

We’ve teamed up with KitNipBox for an online scavenger hunt. Three lucky winners will receive a free Catster-themed KitNipBox and a coupon for 25 percent off their next KitNipBoxes. We’ll be sharing a 15 percent off coupon code throughout the week of the scavenger hunt so everyone can get in on the fun.

The scavenger hunt will take place next week, June 16-20. This Friday, June 13, we’ll have a separate post on Catster with all the scavenger hunt hints. The items will be located in photo albums on the KitNipBox Facebook page (So go Like them!) and on the KitNipBox website. Don’t worry, we’ll make sure to remind you!

Keep your eyes on Catster for the official contest post! We hope you have fun!

Pretty cat is hiding in a cardboard box by Shutterstock

Laugh with us:

About Liz Acosta: Catster’s former Cuteness Correspondent, Liz still manages the site’s daily “Awws,” only now she also wrangles Catster’s social media. That’s why she wants you to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and — her personal favorite — Instagram. See ya there!

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