
6 Adorable cat foot positions that destroy me with cute

Cat feet! Who doesn’t go nuts for those sweet little kitty footsies? I’ve yet to meet a cat lover who doesn’t totally lose their head over them. Cats don’t even have to do anything special for their tootsies to look ridiculously pleasing to the human eye. I

have to get a full-on pedicure and make mine look halfway decent, and they still don’t come anywhere close to looking as cute as feline feet. Cats win … again. Not surprised.

Although their feet and paws are captivating even in the most boring poses, they can knock me over with their undeniable cuteness when they’re poised in certain positions. Here are six of them that get me every time. I’m thinking you can relate to at least … well, six of them.

1. Frozen paws

And hold ... OK, SMACK!

And hold … okay, SMACK!

You know when two cats are play-fighting, rolling all over the floor, slapping one another, and then they suddenly stop with their paws frozen mid-swat? Yeah, that. It’s equal parts cute and hysterical, right? They’re so serious about the whole thing, staring with laser-beam eyes, but their fightin’ paws just hang in the air. It’s even funnier when they suddenly break and start cleaning themselves (or each other), and then go back into attack mode. Cats!

2. Tidy toes


Phoebe’s tidy whities.

Cats are so clean and tidy in nearly everything they do. This is one of the reasons I love them. I’m especially enamored when they sit with their front feet neatly placed in front of them. Their back feet are usually lined up like little soldiers, right behind the front ones.

Kitties don’t even have to try to look put-together — they’re always well-groomed and sitting pretty. It’s like they went to charm school when we weren’t looking.

3. Fanned feet

Cat feet: I

Cat feet: I’m a fan.

A lot of cats are considered lap cats, but Cosmo’s one of those weird ones who occasionally likes to sit in my lap, toddler-style. His feet pop out, and his toes immediately spread like a fuzzy little fan. For whatever reason, those fanned toes tickle me to no end. He keeps them in this position until I place him back on the floor. Am I the only one who likes to run their finger between a cat’s toes when they’re spread like that? Come on, ‘fess up! I thought so. Irresistible!

4. Sphinx stretch

Sweet Saffy knew she was a queen.

Sweet Saffy knew she was a queen.

Cosmo enjoys extending his legs from the traditional loaf position to that of the mighty Sphinx. Somehow he looks super regal when he’s rocking that pose. Maybe it’s because his chest puffs out, or perhaps because he knows he’s the descendant of Egyptian felines, so the Sphinx pose makes him feel like royalty. Whatever the case, he’s totally smoochable when he’s stretches like that.

Saffy (R.I.P.) used to frequently lounge like a Sphinx, and sometimes she’d take it one step further on the cute spectrum by crossing those paws. Wahhh!


That was me dropping dead from the cute.

5. Dangly footsies

right;angled foot dangle.

right;angled foot dangle.

This position might be my very favorite. I lose it when one of my kitties rests on a surface and lets one or more legs dangle over the edge. Those little dangles are total invitations for some soft squeezing and audible squeeing on my part. I know it sometimes annoys them, but I honestly can’t help it. It’s a complete addiction, and I’m not about to go to rehab to cure myself of it. Thankfully none of my loved ones would dare stage an intervention for this foot-dangle-grabbing compulsion of mine. Mostly because they do it too, so they’d be real hypocrites.

6. Short stack


I’d like to order the short stack, please.

So there’s this special moment when I look at my relaxed kitty and notice his or her back feet are stacked one on top of the other, and I instantly melt. If someone is visiting, I have to immediately bring their attention to the stacking situation so they can also melt, because if foot stackage doesn’t make you melt, then you’re obviously a robot with no feelings at all. Don’t be a robot!

What are your favorite cat-foot positions? Share one or more in the comments!

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