Catster community update: work continues, and we need your help!
It was just over a year ago, that i-5 Publishing Catster and saved our Community areas from permanent closure. Almost immediately, the company’s technical team began work to restore these areas. In only a few months, i-5 was able to address more than 50 unresolved technical issues dating back to 2012!
Celebrating one year at i-5 Publishing! Photo: Community Cat, Dolly
The i-5 transition team rebuilt the Community areas of Catster on a new platform. Several months into the process, it was determined that several key features, valued by the Community, would not function on the new platform.
After an audit of all Community features on the current platform, tested by a dedicated group of volunteer Community members, in July the technical team resumed work to make the current site responsive. Among the top priorities for fixes are photo upload, transactional email, and log-in issues.
While Community cat Lola plays, work to fix Community is still Underway!
If you are not able to log into your Catster account, please send an email to [email protected]. Include your browser and operating system, and a detailed description of the issue you are having with log in.
Please join us in the All Paws Bulletin Group on Tuesday, Sept. 22, at 5 p.m. (PST) for a live chat, hosted by your Community team. Lori and John will be available to address your questions and concerns about the status of Community.
With kind meows,
Lori and John
Catster Community Team
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