
Gifs we love: watch these bro cats giving high-fives!

What happens when the opposite worlds of bros and cats collide? A whole bunch of feline-to-human high-fiving, naturally. At least that’s what ensues in a bunch of animated gifs hovering around the Internet showing the Ed Hardy-sporting set inducing their kitties to raise a paw and show their appreciation. Surprisingly, the cats all seem fine with the trend.

In celebration of this new and somewhat queasy union, here are seven of the most bro-tastic examples of cats and their owners celebrating each other.

Remember: When kitty high-fiving, it is imperative to always keep it nonchalant. (Source)

A high-five for a head scratch is always a fair trade. (Source)

World championship level high-fiving in all its double-pawed glory. (Source)

This high-five under duress hides the dignified cat’s disdain for its human’s slovenly and slouchy lifestyle. (Source)

The lesser-spotted feline personal trainer in action. High-fiving is an easy way to motivate the human. (Source)

A blast of “Eye of the Tiger” would push the testosterone factor on display here to stratospheric levels. (Source)

Presenting the best high-five GIF in history. Totes adorbs! (Source)

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About Phillip Mlynar: The self-appointed world’s foremost expert on rappers’ cats. When not penning posts on rap music, he can be found building DIY cat towers for his adopted domestic shorthair, Mimosa, and collecting Le Creuset cookware (in red). He has also invented cat sushi, but it’s not quite what you think it is.

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