
Pictures we love: checking in with oskar the blind cat

Remember Oskar the Blind Cat? In tandem with his raffish partner-in-cuteness, Klaus, he became an Internet star back in the hazy days of 2011 thanks to his kittenish antics. Well, since then it seems Oskar has blossomed into quite the respectable member of feline society. Here’s a well-deserved update on his status.

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According to his Facebook outlet, Oskar has been groomed into a gourmand and regularly chows down on a smorgasbord of pumpkin muffins, kale, cheese, hardboiled eggs and lettuce. Here he is in a lip-smackin’ post-snack reverie.

A shower curtain offers much opportunity for plotting surprise sneak attacks — a classic cat ruse that Oskar fully endorses.

Despite his lack of fully functioning eyesight, Oskar still loves to embrace his playful kittenish side.

Here Oskar is making a bold statement to the fashion world as he mixes his foppish leanings with the sort of quirky individuality, which has him sporting a shoe on the wrong foot. Social norms be damned!

Move along, nothing to see here, it’s just your standard blind-cat-cruising-on-a-skateboard situation.

Still living with his brother Klaus, Oskar snags top billin’ on the cat tower as he ascertains his alpha-cat credentials.

See more picture posts by Phillip Mlynar:

About Phillip Mlynar: The self-appointed world’s foremost expert on rappers’ cats. When not penning posts on rap music, he can be found building DIY cat towers for his adopted domestic shorthair, Mimosa, and collecting Le Creuset cookware (in red). He has also invented cat sushi, but it’s not quite what you think it is.

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